Ollies New Dog!

Ollies New Dog!
Originally uploaded by Robert Powell.

Mum managed to find a new dog for Ollie after he lost the original Doo Doo’s

As you can see it seems to have become a friend!
Watch this space…

The Tooth Fairy!

Time 2:58am.
Place: My Bedroom
State: Asleep…

Verity runs into the room and after making sure that she has Mummy’s attention

Where does the Tooth Faiiry live?


“Mumble” from Mummy
“Neverland” from Daddy

Verity says “I think she lives with father Christmas at the North Pole.”

“Go back to bed”….

The end…. For now!

exhausted kids!

exhausted kids!
Originally uploaded by Robert Powell.

We had a really good walk on sunday. The kids got back to the car and collapsed in the boot!

They had a banana and were back on their feet in no time!

We were at alice holt forest.

jo can run!

jo can run!
Originally uploaded by Robert Powell.

Yes and she looks as suprised about it as we were. As we were on a hill we could not decide if it was actually gravity assisted falling!

Jo’s breaksast

Jo’s breaksast
Originally uploaded by Robert Powell.

This was Jo’s breakfast.

not at all what I had in mind when she said tomatoe on toast!

still – she thought it was tasty…